Features and Types of Web Hosting Solutions

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Sehjad - Zero Designs Team member

Sehjad Tambadia

Senior Web Specialist

Features and Types of Web Hosting Solutions | Zero Designs Blog

Many a times it happens that when you are trying to open a site you are not able to load it due to weak internet connection or the server does not respond quickly. And this creates negative impression to some people. They would never visit the site again due to this reason. No one would like to pass though this situation. Web hosting solution hosting helps to improve the unexpected influx of visitors to your web site. It is not at all expensive as it appears.

There are many Web hosting solution providers in the market offering their services with different packages. When you are choosing from the thousands it becomes difficult for you to choose the right one. You should always consider the web host you choose should not be virtual, but should be dedicated. In short you are hiring a hosting solution to anchor your site and business. When it comes to online business or about the website it should be reliable that you and your customers are always looking for. While considering the price you need to check the services offered compared to their packages. Some of the shared web hosts are free, but if something goes wrong on the server side, it will definitely affect the website too. And dedicated Web hosting service are sometime costly for the small scale business.

Types of web hosting solutions

You will find a number of web hosting solutions in the market, but basically we can say there three types.

Business web hosting solutions

Business web hosting solutions are used by the small scale business that provides personal space for medium and small level business. This is mostly possible in shared web hosting solution.

Dedicated web hosting solution

Dedicated web hosting solution is generally used by the private servers.  The security factor of this type is very high as it does not share any detail with other business web hosting servers. They are more reliable and very good at the performance level. All the activities are usually handled by the private servers.

Shared web hosting solutions

Shared web hosting solutions are ideal for the small and medium scale business website or it’s also called virtual web hosting solution. This type can also include the website that needs multiple web hosting services. The security and reliability factor is not as strong s the dedicated server as these are shared and share more than one server.


Which ever the web hosting solution you choose always consider to keep the technical an customer support as if the business graph hikes suddenly or drops suddenly you can always keep a track on it. And come to the reason which causes this situation.